The Secret of Joe Barton’s Kidney Stone Report

Asparagus OfficinalisIf you are thinking about buying Joe Barton’s Kidney Stone Report, I’m about to save you $40 (minus 3 cents). I’ll start by saying this: I don’t like any of these kidney stone ‘special reports, nor the way they are marketed. Here are the reasons that I dislike them so much:

  • They prey on people when they are at their weakest, typically when people are suffering in chronic, excruciating pain from kidney stones;
  • They charge a lot of money, for very, very little;
  • They promise relief that has no long-term benefit and in some cases may do more harm than good;
  • They are selling something you can have free.

I am specifically calling out Joe Barton (the marketing guy, not the US Congressman) and his kidney stone report, because his marketing methods frost my shorts. $40 for a two ingredient remedy? He is essentially selling a common home remedy that can be found on the Internet for free, with a little searching around. I’ll save you the trouble and give it to you here and now. I will reveal the (not-so) secret of Joe Barton’s Kidney Stone Report.

Cute SkullWarning: I am providing this for informational and entertainment purposes only. I do not recommend this in any way, shape, or form. If you try this, you try it at your own risk. If you try it and your kidneys fall out, don’t come crying to me. 🙂

Asparagus and Coca-Cola Home Remedy

DescriptionThe idea here is to steam some asparagus, puree it and drink it with a six-pack of Coca-Cola. There are several variations on this remedy floating around the Internet, but this is the basis of Joe Barton’s kidney stone remedy, which he sells for anywhere between $39.97 and $99.97.
  • 1/2 to 1 pound of fresh asparagus
  • 6 – 12 ounce cans of Coca-Cola (it must be Coca-Cola), or 1 – 2-liter bottle
Treatment InstructionsOption 1: Cooked
  1. Steam 1/2 pound of asparagus, put it in a blender and puree it
  2. Drink/eat 1 cup of the puree while drinking the 6 cans of Coca-Cola as fast as you can
  3. Repeat if necessary
Option 2: Raw
  1. Eat 1/2 to 1 pound of raw asparagus and drink 6 cans of Coca-Cola as fast as you can
  2. Repeat if necessary
Tips and variations:
  • Drink the Coca-Cola warm and/or let it go flat, to make it easier to drink
  • Chew the asparagus as much as possible before swallowing or allow it to mix with your saliva before swallowing
  • Some users claim that you can drink Diet and/or caffeine-free versions of Coca-Cola and get the same effect, while others indicate that it has to be regular Coca-Cola
Why it May WorkThe high acidity of Coca-Cola, due mostly to the phosphoric acid, causes sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to be released in the stomach, causing your blood to become alkaline. As blood is filtered by the kidneys, this alkalinized urine may help break up stones. For caffeinated versions of Coca-Cola, the caffeine is a diuretic, so it definitely helps move more fluid out of your body. Of course, drinking 72 ounces of anything at once is going to make you pee….a lot.

Asparagus is a good source of potassium and magnesium, both useful minerals in the battle against kidney stones. Asparagus has some known anti-inflammatory properties, though there is no documented evidence that this extends to the urinary tract or has any analgesic (pain killing) effect. My money is on the asparagus, as I have had some success with moving stones out with just asparagus and distilled water.
Risk LevelShort term: Medium-high
Long term: High
Dangers and Health RisksRegular Coca-Cola, in the amount suggested, has 1440 calories, 450 mg of sodium, and 390 grams of sugar. Consuming this many calories in sugar in a short period of time can be dangerous, particularly for those who may be borderline hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic. This can cause dangerous insulin spikes. Your pancreas will not be happy with you. Coca-Cola is highly corrosive and drinking that much Coca-Cola over time will dissolve the enamel on your teeth.

Carbonated beverages with caffeine, such as Coca-Cola, have been found to cause bone loss and increased levels of calcium in the urine, which is not a good thing for kidney stone sufferers.
Why it May Make Things WorseDrinking soft drinks like Coca-Cola have been linked to increased incidents of kidney stones. According the National Institutes of Health (NIH), sodium consumption is linked to kidney stone formation. Asparagus is high in purines, which is broken down into uric acid in the body. High uric acid levels in the body have links to calcium oxalate and uric acid kidney stones, as well as gout. Asparagus has a moderate level of oxalates, but a one pound serving brings the level to ‘very high’, which would be 24 mg of oxalate.
Why it Isn’t a Long Term SolutionDo I really have to explain this? Seriously though, this does nothing to prevent kidney stones from recurring.
Mark’s VerdictAvoid this. This probably works due to the high phosphoric acid, which is made alkaline in the stomach, but consuming that much caffeine and sugar in a very short period of time is very, very unhealthy. Even with diet and/or caffeine-free versions, the high amount of phosphoric acid being consumed can irritate or even damage the lining of the esophagus and stomach. Some users of this remedy have reported serious adverse results from using this method. It should be noted that this method only works for calcium oxalate stones.

Joe Barton may be a nice guy, or not. It makes no difference to me. He is a very good marketer, but preying on people when they are in pain and fear is not cool. If he really wanted to help people with kidney stones, he would be selling this report for $10, or less. When you are in extreme pain from kidney stones, I can tell you from my experience that you will try asparagus and Coke, lemon juice and olive oil, or deer dung…just about anything to relieve the pain. I’ve tried everything but deer dung and can tell you that none of them provides the type of relief that I get with Clear Kidneys.

Have you tried the asparagus and Coke remedy? Share your story in the comment section below.

My staff has challenged me to make a video of me trying this particular kidney stone remedy. Stay tuned…

Do you want more home remedies? Order Clear Kidneys today and I will send you a free copy of my Kidney Stone Home Remedies e-book, which is chock full of weird and interesting things people have used to attempt to eliminate kidney stones, include EVOO/lemon juice and Jump-and-Bump.

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